Saturday 15 November 2014

Vie Nocturne à Cherbourg

Mmmm... Chips!
Understandably, Cherbourg isn't known for its nightlife. There are lots of restaurants and a few bars, but very few clubs (or 'Discotheques' as they're known here...)

"Gin avec Jus d'Orange"
Last Friday me and Allison went to test it out. There wasn't a huge amount going on, but we did manage to find some place to dance. No idea of the name of where we went, there were just lots of people outside, so in we went!

Had we gone out a bit earlier, there may have been more bar options, but I think we missed the boat a bit on that one. This also somehow meant that we didn't get home til around 3am. This was largely due to me forgetting that the park is closed at night and that we couldn't use the shortcut and had to go the long way round. Oops.

We've heard of one more in Cherbourg, which you apparently have to enter through a hidden door behind Carrefour (doesn't sound at all dodgy), and another one which is out of town that you have to get a shuttle bus to.

I didn't take many pictures - for some reason, the main subject of most of my pictures is the Kebab place we got chips from! Clearly the most important thing!

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