Tuesday 18 November 2014

Vers, Poux et Autres Parasites de l'Humain

Sending kids to school is just an invitation for illness to come party at your house. That plague invested centre of learning seems to harbour all that, surely in the 21st Century, we should have stamped out around the same time as Smallpox.
Ew. Yuk. Why oh why do these things exist?!

But, apparently not...

So, in the past month I've been subject to an infestation of head lice (I didn't actually get them, but the friendly warning letter that came home from Marc's school was enough to get me running through my hair with nit combs twice a day and soaking it in tea tree solution - and, no Sarah, I didn't feel the need to announce it to everyone I know).

Just the other weekend, the newest residents, namely 'worms', were casually introduced at the dinner table; 'Yeah, so Marc has worms. We've all got to take some drugs. Don't you just love kids.'

No, is the answer to that rhetorical statement. Right now, I do not. Thankfully, this common parasite has been around long enough (and in enough species) for the human race to have developed pretty effective drugs, so just one dose of it kills off any possibility of them for two weeks, when any remaining eggs apparently start hatching and it's good idea to re-dose yourself with the stuff. Just in case. I've been hoovering and washing everything in sight all week. Just found out that household detergents do nothing to the eggs though so tempted to start throwing bleach around.

Absolutely disgusting. I'm itching all over just thinking about it.

No, I'm not deluded and I knew about these before, but the reality is just something else... Working in childcare before you have your own should probably be banned as it must put so many people off! If everyone did it, I think the human race would be extinct right now.

I just can't wait to find out what's next! Fingers crossed that's not Giardia or Scabies. Half expecting him to come back with Ebola. Eurgh.

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