Saturday 8 November 2014


I don't know how many non-Frenchies know about 'Picard' (pronounced 'Pi-carr') but it is an excellent shop and definitely deserves more 'pub'.

Freezer-lined aisles.
If you're British, think 'Posh Iceland' or 'Frozen Waitrose'. If you're not, I don't know what to suggest but in simple terms, it's a very nice frozen food shop. 
You name it, and it will come in frozen form at Picard. From ready meals, to vegetables, sea food, and patisserie. 

Fabulous place. 
The Patisserie and Cake section

The place is really modern too. It has freezer lined aisles arranged in a clever way which means you pass everything.

We had to take a load of freezer bags when we went. Charly always forgets to take the stock so ends up buying more almost every time he goes (so they have hundreds).

Yes, that's right. It really is a Chocolate Praline Chicken.
I was really tempted to buy this. But I didn't.
Self Control - 1, Patisserie Chicken - 0. This time anyway...
Thankfully they also have a chest freezer (although I think I'd need two after just 1 trip to this place). Said chest freezer got well and truly stocked up in here!

They have some of the coolest and weirdest stuff in here. There were ready to cook fruit tarts, pre-stuffed meats, defrost and eat cheese selections and cakes, all vegetables under the sun in diced, sliced, whole, mashed and roasting variations.

They also had a huge selection of ready meals. I'm talking curries, chinese, pasta dishes, roasts, risottos, stews and caseroles etc. I found it hilarious that Fran just picks the same 3 or 4 every time she goes. (I know she's allergic to a lot of stuff, but there must be more than three she can eat with so much selection, no?)

Spotlessly clean and bright.
My personal favourite was a chocolate praline patisserie dessert in the shape of a chicken. Who came up with that?! And what is the relation between Chocolate Praline and chicken??

This didn't stop me being tempted by it. I bet its the tastiest chicken anyone has or will ever eat. But I didn't buy it. Not this time (also, it's limited edition, perhaps it will be a 'Dindon Patissiere Chocolat-Praline' (Turkey shaped) next time I go ready for Christmas...!)

Possibly my most favourite French shop so far! (It's even beating Printemps in Paris!)

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