Monday 15 September 2014

Un Petit Café Parisien

Real Hot Chocolate!
Melted dark chocolate around the inside
 of the cup with steamed milk. Yum!
On Sunday, I went to a lovely little Café called 'La Madeleine 7' almost opposite the famous Olympia music hall, and just down the road from L'eglise Madeleine (its namesake).

It was lovely and quiet, probably due to the day of the week, and that it was a little too early for French lunch.

As it was too early, and as I'd not had breakfast that morning, I went for a Parisian brunch, which happened to contain rather a lot of chocolate...

A Japanese guy reading a backwards book
(took me ages to remember that they read right to left...)
This wouldn't have been such a problem but the hot chocolate I ordered was really rich, and they put a lot of Nutella on my Crêpes! I was feeling quite sick after all of that, but it was tasty though.

This Café was really nice. All the waiters spoke English like in the other restaurant I went to on the Saturday, but they were quite happy to let me try to speak French to them, and even helped and corrected a couple of times - plus they were really smiley and happy too.

This hot chocolate was so
tasty I took quite a few pics!

It was a little bit expensive. I think a hot chocolate and a crêpe was about 13€! But it was good, and it is Paris after all!

Nutella Crêpe

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