Thursday 11 September 2014

Un Parc en Bord de Mer

View of the park and sea from the car park
Today was Wednesday which means no School! So, I took Marc to the Park (excellent rhyme) while Fran went to 'Boobie Group' - a kind of Breastfeeding coffee afternoon support group with like-minded mums. The group is quite far away (can't remember where) but this means Fran has to go in the car.

As it was a lovely day, I thought me and Marc could go out and so Fran suggested a park near the beach as this was on the way. The park was near to the Navy base and had two really modern play areas, one of which apparently had lots of trampolines (we didn't go up there). It was also right on the beach and had lots of stony rockpool areas too!

Marc spent over an hour playing in the park. It had loads of fun stuff in it - small climbing frame with slides etc. for smaller kids, and a bigger one on the other side, lots of spinning and wobbling equipment too.

On one of the spinning things, Marc kept wanting to go faster and faster and didn't want to get off. After 5-10 minutes on this thing, he announces that he feels a bit poorly so I got him off. He told me that he felt much better now and was going to run to the slide (the slide being straight ahead). He started running, but ended up almost doing a U-turn and then fell over as he was so dizzy! I asked him if he was ok and he said 'yes, but first the sky was there (pointed up) and then it was there (pointing down)!' Hilarious!

'Let's go see the big carrer', says Marc. (Anchor)
Plaque by the Anchor
After the park we went down to the rocks, where Marc collected lots of shells and stones. He found some 'snail' ones - tiny crab/sea snail ones and kept putting them down on the big stones so that they could 'walk away'. I had to explain that these shells were empty so there wasn't a snail or otherwise to walk away with the shell!

Lovely views across the harbour to the forts

Information board showing where we were
in relation to the rest of the harbour/beach
Beautiful views

"Ah, the Big Blue. What's it like?"
"Urm... big... and blue...?"
"I knew it."

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