Saturday 27 September 2014

Ma Vie à Cherbourg

As I mentioned in one of my Paris posts, I have lots of things to write about my time in Cherbourg! (I've also got lots to write about my time in the Vosges mountains too, but that can wait).

Lovely roses for my room!
Firstly, I've settled in really well. I'm getting on with the family and we're all starting to get into a routine. I'm starting to find my way around much better and know how to get to the town centre, school and nursery (Garderie). I also discovered the Office de Tourisme this week, and the Ciné.

I've completely unpacked in my room and am starting to add little homely touches like potted plants, for which I went to Carrefour and found two little pots of roses for just 1.50€ each. Bargain. Still yet to find a decent plant pot for them - I'd quite like a long windowsill pot but no idea where to find such things round here...

For those of you who don't know (most of you as I've not really made it public), I've just started a distance learning degree in English Literature and Language with the Open University. Officially it doesn't actually start for another week or so, but I've already done around 4 weeks worth of work on it. Just hoping Student Finance don't reject me...

Take-out Thursday Burger
Double Camembert and Steak Haché burger
with tartare sauce. Yum!
I'm feeling much healthier here too. We're eating really well (except for ready meal wednesday and take-out thursday...) and Charly is obsessed really into his MyFitnessPal app (which I was also encouraged to join in with). It actually works really well because it makes you pay attention to what you're eating more. Plus it encourages you to exercise, but mainly so you get more allowance to eat more cake haha!

All the Language Assistants (18-25yr olds that help part time in local schools) are hopefully starting here in Cherbourg in the next week or so. I haven't found any other au pairs yet but perhaps I will at French Class next week. I'm just hoping I can find some anglophones to hang out with as I don't really have anyone except Fran, Charly and the kids at the moment... Soon!

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