Friday 10 October 2014

La Manif à Cherbourg

'La Manif' in Cherbourg
Cherbourg seems to be the place for some crazy demonstrations. I've not seen them in action yet, but I have heard about three since I arrived.

I'm still yet to find out exactly what the 'Manif' or demonstrations are about as they rarely seem to make local news or are talked about much.

The other week, at French Class, I had heard that there was a Manif (it was the reason why some people were late). I had seen more police than usual that morning, but hadn't thought much of it.

On the way home, I walked a slightly different way, which took me through the centre of town, and I came across a huge traffic jam, lots of frustrated drivers, and corn sheaf waste dumped in the middle of a busy junction (which cars were trying to drive through/around).

I still don't know why exactly, but we think it was a Farmer's protest. Whatever it was made Cherbourg smell of rotting vegetables for a few days... Yuk!

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