Sunday 31 August 2014

La Plage

On the sunny afternoon of Sunday 31st August, the family decided to go on a walk at the beach and invited me to go with them. They're very kind and have told me that pretty much anything they do as a family, I'm welcome to join in with if I want.

There's about 3 beaches (that I know of) in or very close to Cherbourg, what with the town being on the coast of the Cotentin Peninsula and all. The beach we went to was called 'La Plage Urville-Nacqueville' about 20 minutes drive away from home. It's quite rare for us to drive places as school, shops etc. are within walking distance.

The beach was sandy and there were lots of campsites nearby. Lots of wind too, a bit like a nice English beach really. There were lots of people windsurfing and doing other similar water sports.

We parked on the other side of the dunes and walked along the beach. They strapped Aurianne into a front baby carrier so that she could have a sleep. Fran took off her shoes so she could paddle and Marc rolled up shorts so he could splash.

After walking for around half an hour, Marc took a big jump and slipped, falling into the sea! He was soaked. We had a spare change of shorts, but not a spare top. Charly took off his jumper and wrapped that around him so he wouldn't get cold - it was too long though so they used a hairband to tie the back and keep it up. It was hilarious. He looked just like a little rabbit!

I carried around his t-shirt and jumper, letting it flap in the wind to dry. They were so wet I had to wring them out! It was working but after another 15 mins he started getting cold so we turned around and headed back. 

We got back to the car before his clothes were dry so he just sat in a different one of Charly's fleecy jumpers for the ride home. This one was tan coloured and almost came down to his ankles. Combined with his sandals he liked like a little Arab boy. Hilarious.

Some pictures of Urville-Nacqueville beach...

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