Tuesday 5 August 2014

La Dernière Ligne Droite

Thankfully, we were woken up by Helene at 8, not 6. She said ‘we are very late and have to leave immediately’. She wasn’t joking about wanting to leave immediately. I barely had time to throw clothes on before she was back to tell us that we had to go!

The journey was awful as ever, although finally someone had the idea that maybe I should sit by the door and not in the smallest seat in the entire car given that I was the 2nd biggest person in the car… After that it was a bit more comfortable but the kids were still completely unaware of the concept of personal space.
We arrived at a Service station to pick up some breakfast at around 10am. My headphones were broken by Hermine (she yanked them out of my laptop on the ferry) so when I went in to go to the toilet I made a very speedy stop in the shop to buy some more. Helene came in to tell me that they were very late and now they were waiting for me I was wasting their time. I tried to hurry up but not much I could have done faster. I went back out to the car to find everyone sat on the grass eating, and definitely not waiting for me!
At some point we went past Avignon and the famous bridge – I meant to take a picture but I didn’t have a window seat at the time so didn’t get a chance.
Cat at the Train
station Car park

At about 1.30pm Helene told me they’d changed where Alienor would be getting the train. She was supposed to be getting a train from Bourges (I think) which was completely the wrong direction to where we were actually going, and instead she was dropped off at the train station in a town called ‘Beaune’. The family used to live there apparently so Helene was familiar with the roads – just as well as we entered Beaune with apparently just 8 minutes to go until the train, the satnav said 15 minutes, and they apparently hadn’t bought the ticket yet…

View from Beaune Train Station steps
Beaune was quite nice. Very french, naturally. Helene told me it’s a very old town with a wall going all the way around it. When we got to the train station they rushed in to get Alienor on the train, which must have left about a minute after they got there but somehow I think she managed to get on it. I was left in the car with the children – I don’t remember what they were doing exactly but they weren’t being very nice. Helene came back about 20 mins later and asked if I’d taken my medicine. Obviously I hadn’t as we’d left immediately in the morning and so I hadn’t had a chance. She started shouting at me telling me the reason she’d been gone so long was so that I would have time to take my medicine. I tried to explain that I couldn’t just take it in the car and needed to use a toilet. She then told me she would take the children away and I could go and find a restaurant and use the toilet in there and that she’d be gone for as long as I needed. When she asked how long I’d need I told her I’d need at least an hour – I only needed about 15 mins but I was pretty fed up of her and the kids and wanted a break!

More views of Beaune
I found a little pub just opposite the train station. Helene had suggested I go to some other restaurant over the road but it looked quite posh and the type of place you can’t just go in to have a drink and use the loo! The people in the pub were quite friendly. I ordered an orange juice and then sat there having a nice time for about 40 mins, and then went to take nasty medicine in the toilet. I’d taken the little plastic cups from the toilet at the hostel and had ‘borrowed’ a teaspoon from the Ferry so I could mash up tablets.

Lots of old buildings in Beaune
When I was done I texted Helene to tell her I’d wait at the train station. While I was waiting I decided to pick up my Railcard - a very good idea because I don’t know when I would have had another opportunity to get it! Helene returned at least 20 mins after that, during which time I just sat on the station steps and watched a cat wandering about in the car park.

Now that Alienor had gone I was able to sit in the front seat! Much more room so much more comfortable! I was also able to talk to Helene – the first time we actually had a proper conversation since I’d arrived in Corsica. I was very annoyed to find out then that there was no internet at the house in Vosges!

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