Friday 29 August 2014

Un Mois Sans Internet

I'm back!! Apologies for my month-long disappearance avid readers! If I'd known I wouldn't have any internet for a month I may not have gone in first place... felt incredibly cut off from the land of the living. Anyway, I have finally arrived in Cherbourg and thankfully have internet, phone signal, shops, TV, English people, etc...

So far I've discovered that I've missed the following things:

- Robin Williams apparent suicide
- Brangelina's wedding
- The Ice Bucket Challenge craze. Seriously, what the heck!? (Oh, and don't bother trying to nominate me people, it's not going to happen...)
- Terror alerts are going on in UK

I'm sure I've missed more than that but if I have I don't know it!

To make it easier for me to catch up on these blog posts, I'll just post stuff about the past month in small chunks, probably scheduled for dates in August, else I'll get really confused! So just scroll downwards for that! I also have lots to tell about my trip here and all about my arrival too!


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