Friday 5 December 2014

Fête de Noël à l'École

Plain Hot Chocolate sticks decorated
with marshmallows to look like snow
Cinnamon Hot Chocolate Sticks
This week was also the School Christmas Fair (Friday evening from 4:30-6:30pm, I think).

Fran has spent months thinking about crafty ideas of things that her and the rest of the parent committee can make and sell to raise money for the school.

She did some sewing of little christmas bunting, and then we also made these hot chocolate sticks which you just stir and melt into hot milk.

They're really easy to make - we literally just melted dark chocolate, added some vanilla and sugar and a little milk and then poured into silicon moulds with the stick and left to harden, then they got decorated with cinnamon or marshmallows.

I sat and wrapped them all up in cellophane squares (which conveniently needed to be the exact same size and shape as a square of kitchen towel so that made measuring much easier!) and tied pretty gift ribbons around them.

I think they were sold at 1€ each and we made close to 100 of them - so a good fundraiser - not bad for a few bars of chocolate, a pot of cinnamon and a bag of mini marshmallows anyway!

I didn't actually go to the School Fair in the end. The weather was miserable and I wasn't feeling too great - plus I have no money! Slightly regretting not going now as Fran came back with loads of stuff (including some amazing cake), but never mind.

A Cinnamon Hot Chocolate Stick
A marshmallow snow-topped one
Wrapped in Cellophane
and tied with gift ribbon
The Hot Chocolate Sticks

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