Saturday 22 August 2015

64 Zoo Lane... 5333 Zoo Drive...

The LA Zoo! There's not a huge amount that I can say about this, so this is largely a photo blog.

I decided to go to Los Angeles Zoo on Saturday. For some reason I decided not to use my City Pass for the zoo - I'm not really sure why, although I suspect it's because at the time I had other plans for my 3rd City Pass day... Without the pass it costs $20, which I guess is fairly standard for a Zoo.

When I was there it was incredibly hot - the place is a sun trap and you spend most of your time there wandering around because the signs aren't that great. They have a good variety of animals - both big and small, but again, it's just too hot in the Summer!!

Spot the little guy!

Chilean Flamingos

Who knew Turtles had such long necks!!

Even the Kangaroos were
struggling with the heat

"Hey, look at the Kooo-lahs"
- a LA child to another LA Child

The Zoo is also a botanical garden

All the animals were sleeping in the shade.

Don't feed the Tortoise monsters with the crazy sharp teeth!


Beautiful painted elephants around the zoo 
Lots of Zebras

Baby Giraffe!!

Took me all day but I finally found the Elephants!

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